The School Yoga Coach podcast

Episode 15: Why is Emotional Self-Management so Hard?

Molly Season 1 Episode 15

We know how important mental health is.  We know we need to offer more mental health support to our kids and our teachers.  But how do we do that when our world seems to be spinning out of control, when people seem to not care about our health, our schools, our economy, our freedom?

Well, if you are listening to this podcast, I imagine you want to use the tools of yoga to help manage emotional overwhelm, but you are likely finding that very difficult right now. 

I will talk about four reasons why you might be struggling, and walk us through a "yoga snack" to help ease our nervous system for you to practice.

You can also join some like-minded teachers in my PRIVATE FB group -- free and supportive -- Tranquil Teachers FB Group  Just let me know you heard about the group from my podcast.

You can also grab a handy download HERE to remind you of how important it is to own your Mental Health Path, and how to do that!

Contact me with your questions and feedback HERE.

For more info:
To register for upcoming IYC trainings:  Instructional Yoga Coach Training
