The School Yoga Coach podcast

BONUS Episode: Mindful Schools From the Bottom Up

Molly Season 1


Mindful Schools From the Bottom Up: A Body-Based Approach to Mindful Students, Staff, and Systems

After three years in the making -- including research, training, reading, training, writing, and trial and error -- I have finally finished the book I've always wanted to give to the teachers in my life.  A book that teaches Mindfulness based on movement, polyvagal theory, and integrated systems. A book that supports teachers, instead of overwhelming them.  A book that builds community, instead of exacerbating trauma.  A book that can be covered over the course of a year, in small, manageable steps. 

So here it is!!

This book speaks to ADMINISTRATORS who create policies and establish school culture; to TEACHERS who are juggling their own need for mindfulness with their students' increasing stress levels; and to STUDENTS who thrive in mindful environments when they are led through authentic and reflective practices.

In this Bonus Episode you can listen as I read just a couple pages that seems extra relevant now as our school administrators make decisions about the future wellbeing of kids, teachers, and families.

COMING SOON --- so make sure you get on the NOTIFY ME list before AUGUST 1-- you'll save $10 if you do!

You can also learn more about the book and the Professional Development program  HERE:  Mindful Schools From the Bottom Up

I want to hear YOUR ideas and feedback too! 
Send me an email at:

For more info:
To register for upcoming IYC trainings:  Instructional Yoga Coach Training
