The School Yoga Coach podcast

Episode 10: New Schools: Regenerating Systems PART 1

Molly Season 1 Episode 10

While everyone is wondering how to reopen schools in the fall, I thought it would be a good time to revisit some of the systems we have in place that make learning so challenging for many of our kids.  What if we redesigned more than just online-learning supports and social-distancing policies -- but really worked to build a healthy, supportive environment for both kids and teachers?

This is dreamy ideal, I admit, but it is not impossible or even impractical.  We have already seen so much innovation to address the needs of kids and families as COVID-19 upset our education system.   It has also become clear how interwoven the education system is in every other aspect of our society. 

So let's focus on the four most essential changes that MUST be addressed if we truly want to recover from COVID-19 wiser, stronger, and healthier.  We will do the first two in Part 1;  Part 2 will cover the other areas.  But they are all connected -- just like WE are all connected.

1) Learning and Teaching Priorities
2) Mental Health
3) Community
4) Environment

I want to hear YOUR ideas too! 
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