The School Yoga Coach podcast

Episode 9: Living the Work of Yoga when Life Get Hard

Molly Season 1 Episode 9

If your school has been exploring the ways it can incorporate mindfulness, SEL, and body-based movement (yoga) into its curriculum... If your administrators, communities, and BOEs have said that it is a dire need for our kids and teachers... what happens when the crisis gets real?
When budgets are slashed, teaching positions cut, and the arts eliminated?

In other words, when we need it to follow the PRINCIPLES of mindfulness the most -- do we quit and look for fast, cheap solutions, or do we commit to the WORK it will take-- which by the way, isn't necessarily all that expensive.

Here are some QUESTIONS to consider, THREE Detrimental attitudes we often take, along with the THREE Affirmations we can make to counteract those attitudes.

Do you have a question or comment?  I'd love to hear them. 

Send me an email at:

For more info:
To register for upcoming IYC trainings:  Instructional Yoga Coach Training
